We were blown away by the talent in all the groups and are so pleased with their progress in communication and performance skills as well as their confidence. Many of these students have only been with the academy for a year or less and we can already see what they have gained in leaps and bounds.
In our Lower Primary classes we had two delightful plays on offer, "The Hare and the Tortoise" and "The Grasshopper and the Ants" performed by our Sunningdale private studio and Elkanah House students respectively. The performances were lively, well-projected and wonderful to watch. All the students had a ball on the stage and this is what drama is all about!
Our Edgemead Composite studio performed the play "Fancy That". All about a fancy dress party that gets Gatecrashed by some fantastically dressed Aliens...literally. This group of performers has a broad range of ages but they all synced so well together for this highly enjoyable play. All the characters were dressed and performed marvellously with special mention of the very snooty Aliens who really stole the show. Well done to all the students and their wonderful teacher Nina!
Malmesbury's group performed the french play "Tray Chic" and what a spectacle this was: with the temperamental head chef who's mood could change the weather and his understudy who's had quite enough of his nonsense, a snooty food critic, a typical American patron and to the over excitable waitress who saves the day we were surely in for a treat. Each of these performers gave 100% effort and characterised beautifully. Malmesbury is one of our newest studios and we were in awe at the talent on display. The students love their drama and it was evident on the day.
The next item on display was our brilliant play "The Curse of the Pharaohs" by our very strong performers from Sunningdale Upper Primary. A museum field trip in Egypt gone horribly wrong. But not for the students as we find out at the end! Performance skills were definitely on display in this show. The students had their characters down, projected beautifully and gave a performance filled with gusto and lively comedic moments.
Our Youth Theatre treated us to a comedic version of Shakespeare's Macbeth, which we now know you cannot say in a theatre!! It is the SCOTTISH PLAY. This timeless classical tragedy was brought to life by the students. Shakespeare is never easy to play but these students performed with maturity, panache and wonderful comedic timing. It was a joy to watch.
And what performance is complete without our Oscar Speeches. These students received their 100 lesson trophies and delivered some heartfelt and at times quirky speeches..O the DRAMA!
What a wonderful way to end off our yearly productions for 2016. Well done to all the students who performed. You were amazing and will continue to grow from strength to strength.
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