Why is drama so important? Among the many reasons is the link it has to social development and social abilities in youngsters.
As parents, we all want our children to be liked, to be social, to be kind to others and have friends whom they can share the memorable moments of life with. When drama is used in a developmental process we find all sorts of positive outcomes with social development being high up on that list.
As Joyce Wilkinson, a speech and drama teacher in the education faculty at Brandon University states;
"The ability to share, to think of others, to respect other peoples rights is not inborn in any child. It is learned through example, through guidance and by interaction with other people."
Therefore through drama practices children are exposed and guided through social constructs preparing them for the real life experiences they will go through at some point in their lives. This 'practice run' is so important in helping them develop the social skills needed to appropriately and adequately respond to situations and people. Not only are they learning how to respond but through this process they are also exercising their communication skills both verbally and non verbally and by sharing experiences with others this then leads to them understanding how others' feel and learning how to share their feelings and experiences with others, helping them become empathetic individuals.
Throughout the Helen O'Grady developmental drama system we not only encourage the students to work with and communicate with others but insist on this aspect and with the guidance from the teachers through this process learners are exposed to socialising with whole group improvisations, dialogue and script development as well as partnerwork through our movement segment.
Our classroom dynamic is one built on respect, kindness and positive reinforcement, where every single student is important to the learning process and every child a "A Star!"😄 This 'family environment' allows all students from various and broad backgrounds to integrate harmoniously: an extremely important skill in the 21st century where emotional intelligence is high on the list of success.
Its that time of year again when we parents are running around getting this last minute supply and that school kit, signing that form and trying to juggle all the new changes with our work schedule and home life.
One thing you can be assured of is how much fun your child will be having at Drama! Not only is our developmental drama programme a multi-pronged life skill and an important one at that; teaching empathy, social cohesion, confidence, communication and personality to name a few, BUT our award winning curriculum and dynamic teaching methods make it highly entertaining for the students too 😀
All major trends point toward a holistic approach to education which includes the incorporation of increased creative expression and dramatic play and this is exactly what our programme harnesses.
By allowing our students the freedom of expression in a comfortable environment we are not only building their confidence and self-awareness but most importantly emotional IQ.
So give them the gift of expression and contact us today to find out how you can be involved in our incredible programme.
Email nastassja@hhelenogrady.co.za
Call 021 553 4458.
Website: www.dramaafrica.com