Friday, 19 October 2018

Production Term is Here !

The final term of Drama has arrived, yes that means Productions, and our students are not only rehearsing for their big day on the stage but learning invaluable life skills too!

Our terms 1, 2 and 3 are dedicated to developing our students confidence and communication skills through our dramatic programme so that in our fourth and final term they can present our short-scripted plays with confidence and flair, making it a successful exercise FOR ALL!

In our academy no one is JUST A TREE and every single person has a vital and inclusive role in our plays, helping them to understand the value of team work and very importantly commitment to the class and play itself. Seeing the production through from inception to the final production on the stage gives the students a sense of achievement and participation in a successful venture without having the pressure and anxiety often associated with acting on the stage. 

Research in recent years has shown that young people who participate in successful ventures are more likely to be successful adults. Further more as stated in, The Benefits of Participation- Youth Theatre Ireland- youth participation has a multitude of benefits besides the creativity side and development of theatrical skills, which include;

  • Greater sense of belonging, with increased personal and group identity
  • sense of achievement
  • sense of empowerment
  • increased ability to express emotions and understand relevant social issues;
  • and is an effective form of relaxation

Whether it be our Primary aged or Youth Theatre participants, the fourth term is an exciting and rewarding time for all. Of course our wonderful teachers help to achieve our end goal and make sure our main aim is achieved time and time again.

Lights, Camera and...ACTION!

Monday, 27 August 2018

Mutual Respect: a foundation block of our programme

Here at the Helen O' Grady drama academy we focus on bringing the best out of every student and in order to do this we need to foster an environment where every single participant feels valued and respected.

Through our curriculum we encourage students to explore the activities put before them, whether it be individual or group work, in such a way that encourages social cohesion, respect and positivity. Additionally every teacher is trained within the Helen O'Grady methodology which fosters a positive and appraising ethos centred on praising the students for their good behaviour rather than reprimanding them for the bad. 

The result is a wonderfully dynamic, warm and friendly learning environment where students excel at their own pace and always have a welcoming, smiling face to greet them at the door to success. They  know what is expected of them and most importantly can express themselves and have fun without the fear of self-consciousness or the thought of "being wrong". As one student expressed; "I was made to feel so welcome, like a family, from the very first day".  

We are in the game to build you up not to break you down and that is why parents and students alike rave about our self-development programme- we really do care!

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Role-Play: an essential life skill and integral part of the HOG system.

Playing doctor- nurse, mommies and babies, astronauts' and aliens..for most of us this brings back fond memories from our childhood and is seen as a fun pastime for children all over the world however increasing research has shown the importance of role-play and imaginative play and how it helps in developing those building blocks essential to interpersonal relationships, a very important life skill.

As Adam Blatner, M.D elaborates in his article "DRAMA IN EDUCATION AS MENTAL HYGIENE: A CHILD PSYCHIATRIST'S PERSPECTIVE"- role-paying and the use of the imagination are increasingly being found to harness children's and young adults creativity which in turn helps them become well rounded and empowered youngsters not afraid to make mistakes and have their thoughts within this increasingly egocentric world.

Right from the outset of each and every lesson, the Helen O' Grady Drama programme helps to develop and nurture this skill through creative role-playing situations. Our intro-activities are specifically designed to get the students thinking quickly and reacting to the scenario, thus not only are we teaching empathy but social skills too. 
In particular, our snippets done with the lower and upper primary group are a classic example of how we use our programme to develop these vital skills. Each and every pair will need to think up an ending for a scenario given to them and they will then need to present this to the class. Our expertly trained staff will facilitate this process and help the students think creatively and appropriately. The presentation is then followed by constructive critique and well-deserved praise, meaning the students then have time for self-reflection a pivotal block of developing good social skills.

What about our high school students, you say? This must be one of the most important skills this  age group can learn. Social skills and empathy will most certainly help them to become articulate and confident young adults who do not shy away from challenging and often daunting situations. From improvisational games, quick dialogue activities, prop themed developments together with  our script work and speech- our youth programme allows for each individual to grow in empathy and creativity. 

No matter how old or young, all our students are nurtured in a dynamic and positive environment where there is no wrong choice only a different perspective helping building their future selves and the future generations to come. 

Friday, 25 May 2018

Communication and Confidence the Helen O' Grady way!

Often, when watching our students in action, we are always reminded of how rich and dynamic the Helen O' Grady curriculum is! Developed by Helen O' Grady some 30 years ago out of a need to see children effectively communicating with confidence it is still prevalent and extremely successful today. 

Right from the outset of our classes, students are encouraged to use their voices and bodies as an effective communicative tool. Improvisation, ad libbing, movement, mimes and speech skills are worked into a jam packed hour of fun and energy EVERY SINGLE lesson. This concise and full lesson plan is not seen any where else and that is why our curriculum is award-winning and used throughout the world. 

As Embassadors of the brand, principals and teachers alike use their unique and personalised approach to facilitate the students within the class making a powerful and explosive package which shows results in both students confidence as well as communication skills. 
Students at our Elkanah House SUnningdale Prep Afterschool Club just love their Drama!

Our most important point would have to be that the students LOVE their drama, and if students learn through practical application in a fun and positive environment it goes without saying that the retention of such knowledge will be greater than a conventional setting. 

And while the children love the FUN, parents, teachers and schools love the RESULTS! A win win all round. 

To find out how you can become involved in our fantastic programme please visit our website or email

Friday, 4 May 2018

Why Drama Education is so Important!

 According to the Performance Centers article on educational learning students retain far more information through an active learning process. Studies conducted by the National training laboratories in Maine can be seen through their learning pyramid which details what percentage students retain information learned through the various mediums. 

Basically the higher tiers involve lectures and passive learning environments while the lower and broader tiers include the active participation mediums of learning. The findings were remarkable in that the retention of information learnt was far higher in the active participation tiers made up of group discussions, practice by doing and the teaching of others than the upper tiers comprising of lectures, reading, illustrations, audio visual and demonstrations.

This study echos our believe in the arts as an important educational tool and our ethos: "Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Involve me and I will understand" - Chinese Proverb

Our fast paced drama scenes and activities are designed to be highly developmental and fun. Furthermore, by getting our students to actively and FULLY participate in our lessons from the outset and throughout we are not only helping them to develop their communication, creativity and confidence skills but also creating articulate individuals with positive social skills which include effective team building, leadership and public speaking. 

We, at the Helen O' Grady Drama Academy, welcome this research and more of it too! Schools and parents alike have started taking note of the advantages of the creative arts but unfortunately there are still many pessimists out there that believe the creative arts is of less importance to educational structures.  Through awareness we hope that every child will be given the opportunity to experience the benefits of drama and of course our amazing programme.

To read the full article on the learning pyramid on please go to:

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Awesome Term of Drama is almost a wrap!

We are now in our final week of drama for the term and boy oh boy did we have a great start to the year! Each and every student has developed this term through our amazing curriculum and positive ethos. 

Term 1 is always an exciting one with new students joining and old students returning to have fun, fun and more fun with dress up days, bring a friend days, creative improvisations and our ever popular mime to music weeks. The Cruise Catastrophy happens to be a firm favourite within the academy :)

Term 2 is going to be just as exciting and dynamic as each week throughout the year our curriculum develops gradually to support and build on students' skills and this when worked in conjunction with our expertly trained teachers allows for a dynamic and fun learning environment. Term 2 is significantly more challenging than the first and we present to friends and family toward the end of it to show our development. This is an important time in our academy and we cannot wait to get things under way in term two.

We also have some exciting new initiatives coming up so watch this space...things are going to get interesting! 


Students in our Upper Primary Class in Sunningdale in dramatic action
Lower Primary Milnerton Studio having fun at the beach

Picnicing away in Edgemead Lower Primary!

Some of our Upper Primary students in Milnerton.

Friday, 16 February 2018

Youth Theatre classes equip teenagers for life!

You are probably thinking drama, why drama? What does reciting Shakespeare, breathing exercises and movement have to offer? A lot in actual fact. 
Teenagers are faced with many demands, whether it is in school, on the sports field, or in social settings amongst their peers. That is why our Academy offers Youth Theatre classes to 13 to 18 year-olds – through our programme, teenagers gain skills that not only develop their acting ability, but also enable them to flourish in all aspects of their lives. Our curriculum exposes students to theatre games, radio plays, open-ended dialogues, improvised interviews and more.

We focus on teaching a wide range of skills in our Youth Theatre classes. Building on our Lower and Upper Primary Curriculum, we provide specialised speech training in which we develop students’ vocal projection, articulation, and resonance. Our speech training is also aimed at promoting flexibility of the voice and extending students’ vocal range. Through regular practice, our students will develop the skills they need to communicate clearly, confidently and effectively.

Improvisation skills are also further developed in our Youth Theatre classes. Teenagers have the opportunity to improvise scenes in various contexts and work individually, in pairs and in groups. In this aspect of our programme, we develop students’ ability to think on their feet, to act spontaneously, to work in a team and to be creative. Group improvisation exercises also teach our students drama-specific skills such as blocking techniques, awareness of plot development and characterisation. Through improvisation, our students learn a great deal while having fun!

Youth Theatre students also have the opportunity to work on monologues and scripts from a wide variety of genres, including modern comedy and Shakespeare. This exposes teenagers to literature, but also teaches them how to analyse texts and think critically. Further, our students learn how to portray various characters realistically and believably – a difficult skill to master! As scripted work places demands on the voice and body, students learn how to combine the various skills which they have learned throughout the programme.

In addition to these specialised dramatic skills, Youth Theatre classes contribute to students' personal development. Our classes develop skills that will benefit them throughout their lives. By stepping into the shoes of another character in various contexts, students develop their sense of empathy and understanding of others. Within a group setting, teenagers learn social interaction skills, emotional intelligence and confidence. Further, we strive to develop our students’ self-esteem and aim to see them grow in their confidence beyond the classroom.

By promoting confidence, creativity, communication and self-esteem through our Youth Theatre programme, our teenage students are sure to have bright futures ahead!

Have a look at where we offer Youth Theatre classes and join us at the one nearest to you:

Avondale Library Hall, Civic Centre, Grosvenor Avenue, Avondale
Saturday 11:00 – 12:00

Malmesbury Public Library, Voortrekker Road, Malmesbury
Friday 16:00 – 17:00

Koeberg Library Hall, Merchant Walk, Duynefontein, Melkbosstrand
Thursday 17:00 – 18:00

Milnerton Library Hall, Pienaar Road, Milnerton
Monday 17:00 – 18:00

Bowling Club House, Sunningdale Sports Club
2 Waterville Road, Cor. of Sunningdale Drv. & Waterville Rd, Sunningdale
Tuesday 17:00 – 18:00