Monday, 28 September 2015


The students from Atlantic Beach College in Melkbosstrand had their annual productions over the weekend and what an awesome time they had! All the students really put in the hard work which was evident in the magnificent performance skills they showed! 

The Helen O' Grady Drama Academy has been running at this wonderful school for a number of years and the students enjoy their Drama classes immensely! The dynamic curriculum promotes communication skills, confidence and self-development and this was seen in the fantastic plays over the weekend. 

The lower primary students did 'Pirate Joe' with wonderful energy and enthusiasm, here you can see them acting their hearts out!

The intermediate grades performed the old classic "The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe" but this fairytale had a twist!! Fantastic characterisation and energy from the students really made this play a joy to watch!

"Circus Capers" performed by the Seniors was the finale to the show! These students really worked hard and put forward an amazing play! The energy, vibrant costumes and slick flow of the play was highly impressive. All the students can be very proud of their acheivement.

Thursday, 10 September 2015


Productions for the Atlantis studio were underway over the weekend and what spectacular shows they were! Friends and family were WOWed by the students great costumes and fantastic acting skills!

Our Composite class did a wonderful production all about circus acts, called 'Circus Capers'! From the Ringmasters bad attitude, the performers laziness and Rudlopho the Lion Tamer losing the lion, this Circus had problems!! But the lion was found and the Ringmaster and performers came to an happy agreement. So all was well! The students loved performing and did so wonderfully.

The youth theatre class did a hilarious pantomime called 'Cinderella in Africa' and althoug loosely based on the fairytale, this tale was set in Africa and had all the problems that come with it. Loadshedding, taxi's and unwanted love were the order of the day. The performers were fantastically attired and played their roles to the tee!

This was the first production for our new Atlantis studio and we at the Helen O' Grady Drama Academy were absolutely astounded as to how well these students performed their plays. The Helen O' Grady Drama Academy promotes self- confidence and communication skills through our international curriculum whilst having fun at the same time! You can see how happy and excited the students are to get onto the stage and show off their skills. BRAVO!