Monday, 31 August 2015

Lights! Camera! Action!

And production rehearsals have started on the West Coast! This time of year is always an exciting one, and the students really get into their characters!

The Pirates of Milnerton!

The Helen O' Grady Drama Academy's internationally recognised curriculum works toward the mini-production, by developing the students use of informal and formal language, movement skills and creativity throughout the year the students are confident and adept at putting on a magnificent production.  This year students are working on some hilarious and fun filled plays which we are sure friends and family are going to enjoy thoroughly! You can see these students from the Lower Primary classes are really into their play, 'Pirate Joe'.

These pirates are not too happy with their lot in life! Our Sunningdale students showing awesome emotion.

There are NO auditions and every single student in the class has an IMPORTANT role in the productions. This accepting and warm environment really brings out the best in all our students making for some spectacular shows! So why not join today? Bring your friends and come along to our fantastic programme for a free trial!

Visit our website or contact our office on 021 5534458 for more information.

Friday, 21 August 2015

The World IS our Stage!

In today's ever increasing competitive world, it really helps to be a confident, well articulated person. Our international drama programme is one of self-development and through the use of our extensive curriculum and fully trained teachers our students can become just that! 

Our Melkbosstrand Lower Primary Students using their teamwork skills expertly in a breakaway activity.

In our classes we create a positive learning environment where everyone is a key player and as such our students learn mutual respect and appropriate communication skills whilst having fun! 
Melkbosstrand Youth Theatre students striking a very dramatic pose!


Invite your friends to a free trial and come and experience drama the Helen O' Grady way! For more information about our dynamic classes go to